Monday, January 23, 2012

now and zen

We all make decisions all the time that affect us, our families, and others. Some will have an impact on today or tomorrow or until the next paycheck. Some decisions will have an immediate impact but from the perspective of a year or 10 years from now are completely inconsequential. And some decisions will impact the seventh generation from now. One family living a resource/energy/environmentally wastral life will have a small impact on their great great great great great grandaughter, but 200 million american families will have a great impact.  Be the change you wish to see; sounds nice as long as its not inconvienient. Whether you have a portorhouse steak for dinner may only affect your clogging arteries and slightly damage your health. Its hard to ignore the temptation for immediate gratification against some nebulous and minute long term consequense such as when will I die. Hell, most of us don't really believe we will die.  How can "I" end, its inconceivable.  If its that hard to make the right calls for our own health and longevity. Its an immensely greater tendency to ignore future generations when living our life today. 
Be mindfull, live with right intent.
Also; be well and happy.

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