Monday, January 23, 2012

now and zen

We all make decisions all the time that affect us, our families, and others. Some will have an impact on today or tomorrow or until the next paycheck. Some decisions will have an immediate impact but from the perspective of a year or 10 years from now are completely inconsequential. And some decisions will impact the seventh generation from now. One family living a resource/energy/environmentally wastral life will have a small impact on their great great great great great grandaughter, but 200 million american families will have a great impact.  Be the change you wish to see; sounds nice as long as its not inconvienient. Whether you have a portorhouse steak for dinner may only affect your clogging arteries and slightly damage your health. Its hard to ignore the temptation for immediate gratification against some nebulous and minute long term consequense such as when will I die. Hell, most of us don't really believe we will die.  How can "I" end, its inconceivable.  If its that hard to make the right calls for our own health and longevity. Its an immensely greater tendency to ignore future generations when living our life today. 
Be mindfull, live with right intent.
Also; be well and happy.

Indiana Considers PACE

On Jan 20 the Indiana House heard testamony on HB 1332, the PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) bill. Everyone who believes in a green future needs to contact their Indiana State Representative Now.

If you are not familiar with PACE, It simply authorizes local taxing entities to add private sector financing of clean energy and energy saving investment to 20 years of tax bills. For instance a 20,000 solar system added to my building would add the amortized yearly cost (1000 plus interest) to my yearly property tax. Sell the building and the solar system and its remaining cost go's to the new owner. It removes the up-front cost deterrent to making the right building energy decisions. It is now law in 27 states, including Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, and Ohio, (and was enacted by 19 Democratic & 8 Republican controlled legislatures). Pace is supported by the American Institute of Architects amoung many others.

It is bi-partisan, will create jobs and investment in Indiana, does not raise taxes or increase the size of government.   It addresses the dangers of dirty energy productions damage to the environment, our dependence on foreign energy sources and contributes to the solution to the problem of climate change, (whether you acknowledge that or not). The only negative in the bill is that it exempts the private homeowner , (which I hope can be corrected).  The only sector opposing it are the Banking interests who won’t make any money as part of this advancement of clean energy and energy saving investments. From my viewpoint it also alleviates, (in a small way), the growing wealth imbalance and increases individual freedom. 

If you agree please contact your Indiana State Representative and say so. This died a year ago but hearing from the citizenry now can make it happen.

Monday, January 31, 2011

File Sharing for ITT Classes

This (link below) is where class files are posted for download.
IVY TECH Students please use Blackboard. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New direction for the blog

As my teaching load has increased I,ve decided to return to this blog with more resources for learning architectural drafting in AutoCAD & REVIT.  Look for more links to articles and tutorials in the coming weeks.

Friday, July 30, 2010

where its at

Today I read one of the best articles , (do read all the comments), on the state of energy efficiency thinking in home retrofits versus solar etc. at energy-efficiency-retrofits-insulation-or-solar-power not just the dollars but the values, effects and strategies for a carbon neutral future.
Of course if you don't believe that global warming is happening or that we've arrived at peak oil (we'll save peak food & water for another day) then GO AWAY, Theres nothing for you here.

My own intended energy retrofit includes 5 of the best windows I can afford, which led me to the article passivhaus-windows -so whats the best window? Well it'll tell you, its made in Germany (of course) and its trey expensive.

There are some govmt incentives for energy retrofits & solar etc (30% of cost as tax credit).  But the most promising program going is called Pace.

Cities and counties throughout the U.S. are developing new finance programs that help Americans install solar and improve the efficiency of their homes and businesses.  Called Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE), these programs enable local governments bring new green jobs, energy bill savings, and environmental benefits to their communities. 

Simply; the feds thru stuff like stimulus bucks give cities cash to lend. Homeowners borrow it with no down payment to do the improvements (insul windows solar etc) and the loan is amortized over the projected life of the improvements (30 to 60 years) and included with the property tax bill.  Sell the house and the next guy picks up the bill.  Its simple effective fair and balanced so of course freddie may & mac are fighting it. Why? Could it be that the Banks won't make a dime off it? Well if you want to try internet activism you can go to and send a note to your representatives.  Those of you in NE Indiana please note your representative in the House is VACANT!
(postscript * now that we,ve finally voted the seat is not vacant it's just filled with an idiot)

This happens to be the second time this year I attempted to to contact my representative to represent me AND THERE ISN'T ONE.  Do I sound upset? If there was someone there would he probably blow me off anyway? Of course he would, but it really pisses me off that I have no one to direct my anger to.

Finally today this

Still to come are:
* The highlights of the MREA 21st Energy Fair
* waldoecolgy musings on the NZE micro solar house design and systems
*And what do think of the trade name for that being Freedom Shelters

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

global warming sucks

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" 
Upton Sinclair 1935 (referenced in An Inconvenient Truth)
All art is propaganda. It is universally and inescapably propaganda; sometimes unconsciously, but often deliberately, propaganda.
Upton Sinclair 1925

Friday, October 16, 2009

Four sites today that deal with green residential and whats good & whats not.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

2009 Solar Decathlon click for ecoHome coverage of the Solor decathlon.